Orlando Summer Trip 2016   Leave a comment

This summer, the Pierard family met up in Orlando, FL for a family vacation! It was a amazing success, totaling 7 days of awesomeness, (6/20/16-6/27/16). On our first full day at Orlando we went to Universal Studios, and had a  time! We saw Harry Potter World, Simpsons World, Men in Black, and More! My favorite part was Simpsons World, because it felt like you really were in Springfield, and that the rides were fun, but not intense. Both Harry Potter World and MIB both come pretty close, but just not as high. Great place though! On our second full day, we decided to take a break from the theme park world, and we paddle-boated, and then decided to go swimming. Favorite part of the Day: Seeing a gator while paddle-boating! On our 3rd day we decided to go to Kennedy Space Center to see a satellite launch. We visited many of the museums there and had a great time! Favorite Part of the Day: Trying out the many simulators in the Atlantis Museum (still in Kennedy Space Center)! The next day David and I decided to see both the Ripley’s Museum and The Upside Down House (or WonderWorks). Both were amazing, and I especially enjoyed some cool vortex-like tunnels we went through at both places. We played Laser Tag, watched a 4-D Movie, and viewed some of Earths Craziest Things! Overall, almost as good as Universal! The last full day David and I visited the Orlando Science Center, which wasn’t exactly for kids my age, but still a little interesting. Favorite Part of the Day: Viewing a Movie on Humpback Whales that was projected in a planetarium-like building! We had to leave the next day, so it was kind of sad leaving some of the attractions unseen, but it was most certainly a place I would recommend going to! Pictures from the trip are coming soon!

If you liked this article, have a comment, or just want to, you can Email me at hank@henrydryden.net



Posted June 27, 2016 by Henry Dryden in Uncategorized

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